Woke up to a beautiful morning in Cresent City, CA. Hiochi motel is a simple but really cool motel with a fantastic diner next door. We might have booked the motel based on their PLATTER sized pancakes (and beautiful location of course!) 





Only one child was brave enough to order it and she could not finish it. 


After a lovely  breakfast, (I had steak and eggs)  and a hug with Bigfoot











we headed out to see the Redwoods. This was a part of the trip that we had really been looking forward to. Saurabh and I have always wanted to see the big trees. And we were not disappointed. 

The manager at the motel recommended a curvy, scenic drive and it was AMAZING. We took several stops and got out to admire the trees, touch the trees, hug the trees, and find a little paradise of a lagoon. 









Kiran in the tree. So many tree hugs were given. 










The magical lagoon as seen through a fallen redwood. 



After driving along for a bit and just really loving getting up close to these beautiful giants, we exited to Cresent City proper, grabbed lunch (and put oil in the rental after the light came on and Avis told us to just add more oil) 

Then we hung out near the Pacific











for a bit on our way to..








Another beautiful park where we got up close with the Redwoods a bit more.











And Paul Bunyan- who interacts with the kids climbing all over him. 











After this, we embarked on Route 101 through the Avenue of the Giants and along cliff side views of the ocean on beautiful, curvy (and very narrow-eep) to our next stop- Point Arena. 

We arrived close to 10 pm but had time for a quick dip in the hot tub under the stars and close to the sea. 



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