What it means to be a mother....

This is the love of my life (tied only with the husband) and she is sick. She has had a fever for almost a week now and it has decreased from the terrifying 104.5 to 101.7. I just wish my little girl could return to the happy, goofy little toddler she usually is. I know she'll get better soon, but after her having so many rough nights, and me having a new appreciation for body temperature, I just wish she felt better now instead of later.
It is amazing how unimportant everything else seems when your child is sick.
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Awww, bless her heart and yours.It's so horrible to see your child suffer,such a helpless feeling.
I am glad that she is coming through it. Hugs to the both of you.
What an adorable little girl, it must be so heart wrenching to see her sick. I'm sure in no time she will be back to her happy busy little self.
BTW I love the alter-ego painting, what a fun concept!
i really hope that she feels better soon and that all goes back to normal. she is adorable! hugs to both of you.
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