GOT - Caption Contest
Finished Painting for So, Cat Tacos Gallery of Terror Submission. Not very scary, but it was lots of fun, maybe I can try another, spookier one next.
Caption Contest
Add a comment with a funny caption, the best one wins a print of their choice from my shop! Entries accepted till October 22nd, enter as many times as you like :)
Caption Contest
Add a comment with a funny caption, the best one wins a print of their choice from my shop! Entries accepted till October 22nd, enter as many times as you like :)

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*beware* of shopping at markets on bus lines. You never know how wierd wierdos can get. ;) ( neat contest idea )
...and so it when it came to pass that Fiends Reunited decided to hold their reunion at the local supermarket management wondered just when their anti-discrimination policy had started to go wrong.
Like the illustration !
Shop of Terrors
My Mum bought me from the Shop of Horrors which is a much better shop. My Birthday is Halloween };-}
Very cute illustration!
Wait, here's a better one...
"The GROSSery Store".
1. The holidays always cause long lines at the Crypt-N-Stake.
2. Mabel was told that weirdos shop at Ghoul-Mart. But human boys - that was just too disgusting.
"Don't worry hon, he's probably just a late bloomer."
It's great and cute, very nice
Me gusta mucho el ttratamiento que haces del color, y tu estilo, GENIAL
Honestly, I told him it was too early to dress up for Halloween, but he just had too wear his new "Opey" outfit today!
How about..." THAT'S not for sale! It's the assistant manager! He has 24 hours before that spell I put on him wears off! That's what he gets for asking if I'm a good 'little witch or a bad little witch' every time I come in here!
Suddenly it became clear to Rolly what Gramps meant when he said, "A gaggle of witches stirrin' up the brew."
Young Percival decided that shopping in Diagon Alley was not all it was cracked up to be.
"Pretty Boy Blues"
Love your illustrations!
"Shop of Little Horrors"
I like this variation of previous (which is a correction of my Freudian typo: pervious) suggestions because it scans more closely with the phrase it refers to. And when I was a child I knew an old woman who always referred to children as "little horrors".
Great illustration!
"You know, it's buy a pumpkin get TWO babies."
Love your illustrations as always...
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