Personal Progress....
In the interest of a great portfolio, I have tried to re-create one of my favorite ideas. I never really liked the work itself but I really like the thought behind it. Here is the first version, which was inspired by the Pud's sprinting away from her daily dose of antibiotics.........
I didn't really like the look of the baby and it was a bit too loose, so here is effort number 2:

I liked the color scheme on this one and the baby's expression but the perspective is way off so attempt number three:

This one is okay, I like the cat but not the look of the cat, i think the baby looks better in number two and the shadow isn't dark enough and doesn't quite look like a shadow.
I wonder if this re-doing thing does work for anyone else?

I didn't really like the look of the baby and it was a bit too loose, so here is effort number 2:

I liked the color scheme on this one and the baby's expression but the perspective is way off so attempt number three:

This one is okay, I like the cat but not the look of the cat, i think the baby looks better in number two and the shadow isn't dark enough and doesn't quite look like a shadow.
I wonder if this re-doing thing does work for anyone else?
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I also have several pieces I plan on redoing. Sometimes I think it's harder than starting from scratch, because it's hard to recapure that "spirit" of your original idea/attempt. I've had several times where I've become so flustered with my re-dos, that I end up sticking them in the back of a closet somewhere. I have had a few that have come out somewhat decent, though.
I haven't had any luck with redoing. I usually just move on to the next thing.
I wish I would take the time to redo , though! I admire those of you that do.
I redo pieces all the time. I feel like I learn more when I face the problems and try to tackle them. I really like your style, it's unlike anything I've seen out there. That's something I really like about James Marshall's work, it was all his from the start.
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