How to create with a two year old
1. Observe this face, its the face of a cherub, isn't it? A sweet, beautiful (maybe slightly goofy looking) innocent little girl.

Now, observe the damage this angelic beauty can wield when her mother leaves not only a painting in progress within her reach but also not one, not two but three permanent pens directly in front of her whilst said mother goes to hang up some shirts.

3. Observe mother (relatively) keeping her cool and deciding to chuck it all and start a new painting. (The mother thought about his one for a bit. What are her strengths, what would best represent her style? What does she have fun drawing?)
The answer: Why, a grandma with funny hair, skinny arms and big hands, of course.

4. See that the mother becomes enamored of this sketch and decides SHE MUST PAINT IT TODAY, no matter if the 2 year old is cranky upstairs (in the studio/playroom) because her father is downstairs or that she bumps her head on the mother's deadly drawing table or that the mother should just let it sit instead of trying to finish it while the two year old is taking a short nap. See how the mother rushes to finish it while the father is tending to the two year old, who is calling for the mother repeatedly so the mother scrambles to finish it NOW.
So, the result is crap:

6. Mother realizes that it might be a good thing that sweet little girl added her touch to earlier painting as this one could be a contender for New York Showcase.
7. Mother decides to wait until finished with pens to count on this.

Now, observe the damage this angelic beauty can wield when her mother leaves not only a painting in progress within her reach but also not one, not two but three permanent pens directly in front of her whilst said mother goes to hang up some shirts.

3. Observe mother (relatively) keeping her cool and deciding to chuck it all and start a new painting. (The mother thought about his one for a bit. What are her strengths, what would best represent her style? What does she have fun drawing?)
The answer: Why, a grandma with funny hair, skinny arms and big hands, of course.

4. See that the mother becomes enamored of this sketch and decides SHE MUST PAINT IT TODAY, no matter if the 2 year old is cranky upstairs (in the studio/playroom) because her father is downstairs or that she bumps her head on the mother's deadly drawing table or that the mother should just let it sit instead of trying to finish it while the two year old is taking a short nap. See how the mother rushes to finish it while the father is tending to the two year old, who is calling for the mother repeatedly so the mother scrambles to finish it NOW.
So, the result is crap:

5. Notice that the mother lets it sit for a few hours, realizes it truly is crap and decided to try again. The mother does this after adorable two year old is nestled in bed, sleeping soundly. Mother waits until next day to paint new drawing and takes her time, using two year olds good mood to her advantage. (Please note that this involved a bit of holding cherub in lap while painting with one hand, taking dancing breaks and playing giggle belly)
See new result:

6. Mother realizes that it might be a good thing that sweet little girl added her touch to earlier painting as this one could be a contender for New York Showcase.
7. Mother decides to wait until finished with pens to count on this.
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