Courntey Pippin-Mathur | notebook ,  Painting?

Tuesday, January 17


I re-did the fortune teller. I'm not thrilled with the final outcome, which is a dissapointment. I had a ball painting drawing and painting her. She is a possible portfolio piece but not a showcase entry. It's just tough. Tough to pick or create a piece that will be the only repsentation of your art to a group of people you would like to impress. I'm trying too hard, I know this. The trick is, how do you turn it off? How can I not look at every piece as a potential and push it until it dies?

Anyway, I'm still bouncing with joy and counting the days. 20 days left. Eeeek.

Here is the new large lady:

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Blogger Dee said...

Well, I totally love her. The colors are fantastic. I love the flow of the ball and the facial expressions of the portraits. She's gorgeous, and I agree about her being added to the portfolio. As far as Showcase, I'm there with you, and good luck figuring it out! :P

1/18/2006 8:56 PM 
Blogger Maralise said...

love the colors....I like the perspective of the original I think...I miss the cleavage shot for some reason.

1/19/2006 11:15 AM 

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