Happy Rejections?
I try to send out postcards every three months. A few days after the mailings, I go to my google analytics site to see if anyone from New York (or any other place I have mailed) has looked at my site. Ahhhhh, the power of google analytics. And the disappointment of knowing that no one has received my postcard, fallen instantly in love with my work and spent hours perusing my site. This is the only way that I know of that I can see any type of result from the postcards. Otherwise I just assume they end up in the trash. This is probbaly why I get bummed after every mailout. I get excited about sending it, then get bummed because the miracle of discovery has not yet occurred.
I also send e-mails to editors and agents who allow such a thing. This is a much more swift and painful answer do the eternal "do they like me" question. Sometimes, I hear nothing, sometimes I get a swift form "your work is not suitable" answer and sometimes I get a happy rejection.
Happy rejection you say? Is such a thing possible? Yes and no. Don't get me wrong, I still mope around bemoaning my lack of talent but eventually the good parts of the rejection filter through. The first example of this is a submission I sent to Shannon Associates. They are awesome. Their talent roster is so above my reach it's scary and insane I even submitted anything. But, via e-mail I am bold and mildly fearless. To the recipient at least, they don't see me checking my e-mail twenty times a day waiting for their possible response. So, I shot for the stars. I got a rejection.
It was a very kind rejection and even asked me to keep in touch. I thought nothing about it until one of the agents at the conference said she never says keep in touch unless she really means it. So, six months and a few pieces later I re-submitted my portfolio and referred the earlier rejection saying that I wasn't sure if it was serious but I had an opening so hear I am, love me. Well, I got another rejection. But this one said I had potential. Ah, potential. What a sweet word to hear from someone who sees a million artists a day. A very sweet thing to hear on those dark days where I am convinced I will never get anywhere with my work. They also said to keep in touch and re-submit later. Not bad, not bad I tell myself later. I feel okay. Maybe there is hope for me yet.
I recently submitted to Chris Tugeau. I have heard fabulous things about her and she represents some mighty talent and has helpful articles on her site. I received my rejection response quickly. But, she was very kind. She recommended editors to whom I should submit and gave a few other tips. She also liked my work. Hmmm. This is a good thing, right? These professionals think I could go somewhere one day.
I'll try to keep that in mind as I return to the dance (and check my email/mail 20 more times).
I also send e-mails to editors and agents who allow such a thing. This is a much more swift and painful answer do the eternal "do they like me" question. Sometimes, I hear nothing, sometimes I get a swift form "your work is not suitable" answer and sometimes I get a happy rejection.
Happy rejection you say? Is such a thing possible? Yes and no. Don't get me wrong, I still mope around bemoaning my lack of talent but eventually the good parts of the rejection filter through. The first example of this is a submission I sent to Shannon Associates. They are awesome. Their talent roster is so above my reach it's scary and insane I even submitted anything. But, via e-mail I am bold and mildly fearless. To the recipient at least, they don't see me checking my e-mail twenty times a day waiting for their possible response. So, I shot for the stars. I got a rejection.
It was a very kind rejection and even asked me to keep in touch. I thought nothing about it until one of the agents at the conference said she never says keep in touch unless she really means it. So, six months and a few pieces later I re-submitted my portfolio and referred the earlier rejection saying that I wasn't sure if it was serious but I had an opening so hear I am, love me. Well, I got another rejection. But this one said I had potential. Ah, potential. What a sweet word to hear from someone who sees a million artists a day. A very sweet thing to hear on those dark days where I am convinced I will never get anywhere with my work. They also said to keep in touch and re-submit later. Not bad, not bad I tell myself later. I feel okay. Maybe there is hope for me yet.
I recently submitted to Chris Tugeau. I have heard fabulous things about her and she represents some mighty talent and has helpful articles on her site. I received my rejection response quickly. But, she was very kind. She recommended editors to whom I should submit and gave a few other tips. She also liked my work. Hmmm. This is a good thing, right? These professionals think I could go somewhere one day.
I'll try to keep that in mind as I return to the dance (and check my email/mail 20 more times).

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You have plenty of talent. I like your style and the colours, they're fresh and exciting. A non-artistic person like myself has a definite lack of talent. Keep trying with your mailouts, you're sure to get somewhere.
I'm actually tracking my postcards now and it's funny that we do the same thing through our stats. You might want to try this stats program: http://www.statcounter.com/ It will tell you the name of the actual company who looked at your site. Very cool and you don't have to guess if they visited your site or not!!
Good job subbing your work around. Congrats on the positive comments from Chris T!
hehehe, yeah i dunno about rejections either! they are like that sort of dish you go to eat and can't tell if you wanna eat more or go back in the kitchen and make a whole new meal... (does this make sense?! my brain is slightly off kilter from this nauseating smell i keep sniffing... i can't tell what it is but its buggin' me- like a bad air freshener and it keeps following me- and i KNOW it aint me) anyhow, at least you aren't a quitter and they see that, not to mention your attitude!!! i think its great that you have set goals and are taking dares!!!!
on the side note: email me with the pics so i can get your gal's pic goin- if ya want ;) i am lookin' forward to making one for ya!!!
Thanks for sharing the details and progress of your ventures, Courtney. I find it facinating and informative. So when you email these reps, are you asking them if they're interested in repping you, or simply asking for advise? Sounds like you're getting encouraging feedback so you should feel good about that.
And did I ever mention that my husband LOVES your work? Too bad he's not an art buyer or rep or anything, but I thought I'd pass that on to you. : )
thanks for the comments everybody.
toni - don't diss yourself, you are quite the talent with web design.
holli - thanks for the tip, it would be great (or really depressing) to know for sure. ;)
amy - thanks, i'm trying
paula - i'm trying to get reprsentation, i send them my portfolio link. i know it's a huge shot in the dark but it is cool when they respond with something other than a form rejection. tell your husband thaks, that's a huge compliment coming from your talented household. :)
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