Progress Report

We are settled in and starting to create a routine. Oh lovely routine, the Taurus in me craves it and it makes the Pud happy too. It's so nice just to be able to relax without having to worry about unpacking boxes, stocking the pantry or looking at bare walls.
I have been very mildly productive art wise and plan to continue by getting my trade pieces to Johanna and Ellia. Things I have actually completed:
1. Set up a time slot to have a few pieces displayed in a well known business in the DC Metro Area. If you're around and want to take a peek, e-mail me and I'll give you all the details. If not, I'll post pics after the exhibit is put up.
2. Completed the very first draft of my book about Grandmas. It is super simple but I think it will work well with my style.
3. Worked on a few pieces involving children. At the Illustrator Conference in Bethesada, both the agent and art director I spoke to recommened more kiddos. I did receive a compliment as my pieces havin the wow factor. The best part was meeting the lovely and much better dressed ArtiPantz. After the conference I purchased more skirts so that I could try to look half as cool as she did. Seriously.
Look for my post about the super-duper piece Ellia sent me soon.
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