Re-do, Re-done, Re-did

I re-do about 50 percent of my illustrations. Usually because the first version is lacking due to time constratits or my own impatience. I have to love at least something about the original to try again, because a perfectionist in life I am not. (it works or it doesn't) Sometimes I want to pump up the color, change a character or a specific feature about them. About half of the re-dos are better than the original. I think this is one of them.
For the "Sorry" piece, I wanted to do all of the above. The little girl's hair blended into the background in the original, the great aunt's eyes were just weird and I didn't think the little sister was cute enough. I made additional changes as I was drawing. Some are inevitable as I don't use a light table (in my case, a window) unless I am in love with the characters or their placement. I think the best changes are when I amp up the quirky factor, because you know I love the quirkys.
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This is my first visit to your site and I really like your art. Look forward to returning.
Cheers from MotherPie...
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