Illustration Friday "Clean"

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Tuesday, August 1 |
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That is one heavy duty cleaning project. :-)
Very nicely done!
Colorful and fun illo, nice job.
I love this illo. wonderful color and characters.
lol! i want that bath tub! great illo
Lovely like always!
You have lot of immagination
ciao manuela
haha! I love it! I was doodling some elephants today, now I know where the vibe was coming from. :) I like how each elephant is a different color, and not necessarily what you'd expect. I see the "grumpy" kid has reappeared, and granny has on some galoshes. Nice touch.
I love the elephants, but the old lady is my favorite by far. Love her hair, glasses, and, well her whole dang outfit. Cute!
Oh, I just love this! Grande!
This is really beautiful. The shapes and colors are like music. Wonderful rythms! Are you a musician by any chance???
wonder and so creative! the lady is the best!!
I love this - great colours! thats some tough cleaning job!
This is SO LOVELY!
well now, that is quite a task! fun!
awww, what a task!
Great Illo! Love the composition and colors.
ohmigosh! beautiful! such great colours.i like the one with the duckie and the one wash the grandma's boots.
Haha, LOVELY! :D I can't help but DIG your style, its so frigging cool! And im a sucker for elephants. The little fellah helping on the side is so cute. I'd be the girl on top of it all. ;D Keep it up.
I wonder how many clean elephants fit in a VW?
Love your work!
yey, lovely! the colours are great and so much is happening :D
Very clever! Love the idea about the 5...or is it 6! elephants. Nice touch.
absolutly fabulous!!!
That must be a huge tub! I love the color & your idea!
Genius! Pure Genius! Thank you for posting on inspire me to become a better artist!
what a wonderfull illo! this, all the elephants in there! hilarious!
Wow, I didn't know you could pack that much fun into a tub! Very cool, and I love the shapes of these guys.
What cute ellies - I want one!
It cracked me up! GREAT!
This is so funny! I just love the idea, and it looks great. The elephants are so cute.
hehehehe. i LOVE the elephants! what an absurdly wonderful idea!
Awed as always. You need to finish that granny book Court. I love the old ladies!
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