RE-do for Conference
On Saturday I am attending the Austin SCBWI Fall Conference. I love conferences and always try to do three things before going.
1. Organize Portfolio
2. Create new Painting
3. Buy new outfit to go with Conference Boots (they get uncomfortable but they are oh so cute)
I've accomplished number 1 (thanks to the hubby bringing my portfolio down when he came to visit) and today I found a cute skirt for 5 bucks. (I love sales) As for number 2, here it is. My re-dos never come out that great. But it did feel good to paint again (it's been almost a month and a half).
I'll try to take notes and scan in my sketches when I get back. I plan on meeting Christy (illustrator coordinator and funny lady extraordinaire, also headed up critique group when I lived in Austin) and Dee (online and conference buddy extraordinaire)
original painting:

new painting:

P.S. I also want to say thank you to everyone for their kind words and thoughts for my sister and I. They mean a lot in these difficult times. My sister is actually the one who encouraged and funded this conference.(plus babysitting the Pud) She's a great little sister in many, many ways.
1. Organize Portfolio
2. Create new Painting
3. Buy new outfit to go with Conference Boots (they get uncomfortable but they are oh so cute)
I've accomplished number 1 (thanks to the hubby bringing my portfolio down when he came to visit) and today I found a cute skirt for 5 bucks. (I love sales) As for number 2, here it is. My re-dos never come out that great. But it did feel good to paint again (it's been almost a month and a half).
I'll try to take notes and scan in my sketches when I get back. I plan on meeting Christy (illustrator coordinator and funny lady extraordinaire, also headed up critique group when I lived in Austin) and Dee (online and conference buddy extraordinaire)
original painting:
new painting:
P.S. I also want to say thank you to everyone for their kind words and thoughts for my sister and I. They mean a lot in these difficult times. My sister is actually the one who encouraged and funded this conference.(plus babysitting the Pud) She's a great little sister in many, many ways.
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OOoh, I have to agree. Your redo is fabu-lous! The colors look so much crisper, and the wallpaper adds depth. Good job! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
I really like the re-do babe. As you know, not my favorite piece ;) But now, it looks great. The wallpaper adds depth and complexity to the piece. Great job!
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