(I forgot my camera so I borrowed this image from my sister in law)
The last four days were a whirlwind of activity. For two of the days my sister-in-law and I took the two girls on a walking tour of new york. The next two days it was a foursome with the dads tagging along. We didn't make it to the metropolitan Museum of Art(next trip it is first on my list) but we did go to:
Central Park Zoo. I totally thought it was a work of fiction for the Madagascar movie but it is great, small and interactive, perfect for little ones.
Times Square (three times total)- we braved the Toys R Us and FAO Schwartz therein, complete and total madness and a ferris wheel in TRU, cute but pricey cafe in FAO.
American History Museum (nice museum but I'm a bit partial to the DC National History Museum for many reasons including the fact that there is a "suggested" donation which they do not inform you is suggested until you ask (after you have already paid) and that the marine exhibit was closed for an event.
We saw Hairspray (so utterly fantastic) on Broadway- buy same day discounted tickets on Times Square
New York Aquarium - nice, I think it ties with the Baltimore Aquarium
Coney Island - It was a bit too cold to explore much but it looks like a fun place to visit when it is warmer.
Rode a Rickshaw from Central Park to Times Square. Now this seemed a bit iffy due to the drivers ability to pedal two women, one toddler, one sleeping baby and two strollers 10 blocks but he did it. I was also a tad nervous about our proximity to buses and taxis while encased in nothing. But, it was great. We got to go past Rockefeller Center, see several early christmas window displays and hear the music playing at Cartiers. It was wonderful, a tad tourist-y, a bit terrifying but totally worth it.
Navigated the New York Subway system. Um, sometimes gross, but affordable and efficient, just learn which stops have elevators for stroller.
Society of Illustrators: This was a solo trip, my sil took the girls to the zoo so I could have time to look around. They are currently having an exhibit of art from children's books. Right up my alley. I recognized many of the names and images. I must say that seeing them in person was amazing. I jotted down my first reactions to a few and I'll share them with you.
Chowder - Peter Brown - Amazing in Person. I had seen this online but loved it in person, something about his technique and detail made me want to own it so I could look at every day. I'll have to buy the book instead.
My Senator and Me - David Small - Beautiful Lines. Makes me re-think my current technique.
Steal Back the Mona Lisa - Meghan McCarthy-can see the effort and detail put into the painting and it pays off wonderfully.
Pirate Bob - David Clark - aspire to be
Good Boy Fergus - David Shannon- Love the style even more in person. My sister loves this book and I almost jumped out of my skin to see the original. If only I could buy it for her.
A very full morning - Eva Montanari - Gorgeously cool.
I have many more comments but I won't bore you with all twenty or so of them. I was walking around the entire time with a continual sense of Wow, I want to be like these artists. So, I vow to make my work better and one day when I have improved enough, I want to hang in that gallery.
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Welcome home! Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I am going back there the second week of December and really look forward to seeing it all dressed up for Christmas.
Hey COurtney,
Have you checked out Jacketflap? I was looking for your site there..and not sure you knew about it. Your site would fit perfectly there. I wanted to invite you to my jacketflap site as a friend..but wondered if you even knew about it yet. If not..check it out..I think the URL is
How fun that you went to NYC again!
Cool..sounds like you had a good time here. I also went to the SI show and it was amazing. Chowder really stood out to me too, There is something incredibly shiny about the painting, hehe. I had the same feeling, that one day, I want my artwork to hang in that gallery too! yeah!
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