The contention begins

So, I have nine days left to get ready for the big ole conference. Yes, that's right, nine days.
Because of the hubby's hard work and dedication his company is sending him and a guest on a little trip. The guest would be me and the trip would be a big deal for several reasons.
Reason number 1. It's to Puerto Rico
Reason number 2. It's our first time to leave the Pud with family. I'm hoping that it will be a case of the parents freaking out more that the child. She is staying with my sil, etc and they are some of the most responsible people I know, yet I still worry.
Reason number 3. The hubby and I never had a honeymoon. This will be our first vacation somewhere without family around.
Reason number 4. The trip was scheduled for the 5th through the 9th. The 9th is Illustrator's Day at the SCBWI conference. So, we asked if we could come back on Thursday, they said yes.
I will bring my camera and my sketch book. But, since this is equivalent to a honeymoon, no work will be allowed. So, I am busting my chops to finish the assignment for the Illustrators Intensive and trying to paint something really cool for the Showcase.
Could this be a contender? It's not finished, I still have to touch up the paint and ink it but I'm thinking it might be in the final three. Is it scary? Can you tell what's going on? Would it impress an art director?
I just don't know.
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Oh Courtney! So much to prepare for. I can so relate to the jitters you are facing. It'll all be a joy. I'm rooting for you to win something there..and catch the much deserved praise and attention of some ADs and clients. Wish I was going to be there this year.
Have a very special time with your husband..and as for leaving your daughter with your family....I know how that is...
just think of it as a memory she'll treasure forever, and one that your family will have too. She'll have a blast and do fine..
Bon voyage!! Have a blast.
Have fun! I know you will. As per your offer, thanks! But I think I'm going to hold off on finding an agent right now. It's going to take up too much time and energy, things I don't have much of lately.
Enjoy NY!
Courtney--cosmopolitan world traveler eh? That sounds wonderful. one who has left my kids with others...she will be fine, you might not, but she will.
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