
As far as my personality traits go, I'm an optimistic pessimist. I believe the glass is half full but you better watch out because it could come crashing to the ground and break into many sharp, tiny pieces any time. I think it comes from trying to prepare myself for the worst.
I have learned in the past few years that there is no way to prepare yourself for the big baddies of life, you just have to believe in your strength as you wing it. I look forward to 2007 as a new start, a chance to relax and grow. I do have to admit to a bit of apprehension. Last year with Bua and Mike passing away and my mom, sister, sister in law (and family) and ourselves moving to a new place I really want to settle down, try and enjoy each day, my family and friends and hopefully have no scary phone calls in the middle of the night.
With all that being said, I really, really want to grow in the art area of my life. As in a big grow, like being published, signing with an agent or winning some award somewhere. Yeah, it's a big wish but I feel I'm ready for that big step. I've written my first book and have been lucky enough to receive the help of an editor at a small and really cool house. She doesn't want the book for her own house but is helping me revise and revise and eventually submit other places. So, between her, the hubby and a bit of determination I think I could do it. I made a large step yesterday, I have never been totally happy with the little girl. The grandma I have perfected cause I'm like that with grandmas. But, yesterday I got it. The look I was seeing in my head but couldn't get on paper.
World meet Little girl. Little girl meet world. Hopefully you will see much more of her soon.

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Hi, I don't have an illustration website, far far from it, but I'm very interested in it and I found yours a couple of years back and I just love your illustrations. I read your goals for 2007 and wanted to wish you luck and say that I'll buy your book. I loved your illustration for 2006 and 2007. You have such a great imagination. I can spend hours looking at your drawings and wondering how you manage to see what we all see and yet come up with such great people in your pictures, you're one of my favourite sites. So, good luck for 2007 and I'll be reading often to see how it's going (and so I know when the book comes out!)
thanks for the introduction. i can tell by looking at her that she is a very "interesting" character.
i wish you the best of luck in 2007!
love the girlie! Can I come and see her all done?
aww courtney. I bet before this year is over, you will have that dream of being published or being signed with an agent and you will have an award hanging on your wall... it WILL happen. Well. You might not hang the award on your wall. But you will have it. And, you will think to yourself, "I KNEW that was going to happen." Because it IS going to happen. It's nice we can't see into the future, because that magical day when it happens to you, it will be one of the most unexpected, wonderful days of your life. But you will have many of those sort of days. I believe that. And, in you.
Just wanted to send you best wishes for the new year. Keep at it with that book, I want to see it on a bookstore shelf real soon! :-)
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