Clumping Along

I decided last Friday that I would create a chart to track which illustrator agents I have submitted to. It would be a helpful way to make sure I don't double submit by accident and just to be a bit organized. (something I am usually not)
Now I think it was a bad idea. Out of the agents I have submitted, 50 percent have given me a solid formal rejection letter, 35 percent have written a nice note with a rejection and 15 percent have not responded at all. And it is all there in black and white. I think the problem is that I become a tad bit obsessed. I keep looking over the nice rejections hoping to get inspired but instead I just see the word no over and over again. So, I have decided that I'm not going to submit for a while. I will just concentrate on creating new pieces and finishing the grump dummy and actually sending it out. (imagine that)
A piece of good news is that after I sent the grump postcard, I got a few hits from editors and art directors. One even looked twice for quite a bit. So...I'll keep clumping along, just a bit slowly until I shake the no's out of my head.
Here is what I am working on..

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Hi Courtney,
glad you found me through Jacketflap as now I've found our blog. Your work is just great. This one is fantastic - so much humour and character.
To be honest I have NO idea how to use the Jacketflap site - I find it really confusing and there doesn't seem to be any help or advice centre. If you know how to use it I could do with some advice!
I've also just started sending my work out to publishers and agents, the first couple of No's are quite hard to take but hey it's their loss and all that!! Great blog I'm going to have a longer look and I'll add you to my blogroll so I can keep updated.
Cheers, Andrea.
When you send your postcards do you also send a response card? If so, how do you package that? Or do they send a letter on their own?
andrea- thanks, i love your work too.
frizz- all of the agents i have submitted to so far are e-mail submissions. so i get an answer back pretty quickly. (even got one back within 10 mins, ouch!)
you KNOW you're going to hit the right agent at the right time....I know it's disheartening, but that's the normal sort of percentage in any sending of WILL happen.
I love this one just in black and white. Have you considered doing some in black and white? Take this prelim and work it in ink...and use it somehow. it's got a lovely quality, even though we all know your color SIngs....I really got hit with the beauty of this linework and black and white.
ps....loved the view of your working area/studio and outdoors too.
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