Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Above is a pic I took of the Pud at the playground during unseasonably, miserably hot weather. It is finally turning cooler here. I am so happy. FALL is my absolutely favoritest season ever. ( and I do mean it with all caps)
I want to soak in the crisp air, golden leaves and blue skies every day.
Tonight is the opening for a group show at the Del Ray Artisans in Alexandria. It is on the subject of magic and my pursuing witch piece will be up there. Costumes are encouraged so I think it will be oodles of fun. If you are in the area, drop me an e-mail and I can say Hello.
Here are two pieces I am currently working on. Both are re-do's and hopefully both will become portfolio worthy. I'm also working on ideas for the new group blog assignment suggested by yours truly. It's due in 19 days, I better get busy.

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hehe, I just posted something similar to this, but it was more a "help!" post regarding all the work I need to do. I adore your little dragon in the kitchen! I think you've really hit something with the fantasy pieces you've been creating. Maybe that'll be the niche where you work will truly be appreciated! The colors of the redo Rapunzel are mesmerizing. Can't wait to see the final! (That goes for my own piece I've been dragging my tail on finishing.)
The weather in Texas has also FINALLY just cooled down...I'm loving it. Can't wait to take Connor to the park and stroll around for a bit. Work first though! :)
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