Courntey Pippin-Mathur | notebook ,  Thank You

Sunday, March 2

Thank You

to all of the wonderfully sweet people who left comments about losing our baby. We are okay. I think that is how it will be for a while. We have good moments and bad moments but all in all we are okay. I think I am good with that for now.

I am desperate to return a piece of my life to a happy place or at least busy place. So I have started creating the simple paintings below. I am very grateful for art and the desire to create. I don't think there are very many careers that are so therapeutic.

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Blogger Alicia Padrón said...

I'm happy to hear this Courtney.. that's the spirit. Time helps along the way too.
And you are right about art, it is amazing. You have a gift of making great art and loving every minute of it. Take advantage of that!
I find art to be very therapeutic indeed..
These pieces are fantastic :o)

3/03/2008 8:44 AM 
Blogger Tracy said...

I don't know you personally, but I've long admired your artwork. I am so sorry for your loss. This same thing happened to me several years ago. It is devastating. We finally had our second baby 4 years after that (another boy!). I like to think my little one I lost was my little girl and now she's in Heaven with my parents. I am so sorry...time does help ease the pain, but it's hard to forget the future you imagined with your baby. From reading your posts, it sounds as if you have a great deal of wonderful friends to help offer support. I will say a prayer for you and your family :) TRACY CUNDIFF

3/05/2008 7:36 PM 
Anonymous Anette Heiberg said...

Hi Courtney. I'm so sorry to hear about your baby - and I'm glad that you're ok and using your art to move on. Hugs from Anette.

3/06/2008 3:30 AM 

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