Illustration Friday "Pet Peeve-d"

This is the star of my newest story idea. I have been a bit frog obsessed of late- and I think I finally nailed the look of my main character.
Labels: Illustration Friday
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Commission Happy Halloween! sketch-greek goddesses new work: hansel and gretel at night First time to see mountains trying to see if these two work together.hmmmmm... Final? More sketching More sketching, some painting :)
Wednesday, March 26Illustration Friday "Pet Peeve-d"![]() This is the star of my newest story idea. I have been a bit frog obsessed of late- and I think I finally nailed the look of my main character. Labels: Illustration Friday Saturday, March 1Friday, February 1Illustration Friday "Blanket"![]() I'm Alive! Just quiet. Getting ready for NY SCBWI and all of that. Here is an entry for Illustration Friday. It's from a story I wrote. The rooster is trying to steal the blanket (while the sheep sing the pig to sleep). Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, November 29Illustration Friday "Zoo"![]() Christmas at the Zoo. This is my "official illustration for christmas" this year. (not counting the 24 cards starting on saturday) Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, October 31Illustration Friday "Trick or Treat"![]() Here is my hansel and gretel piece for the gals over at groupsoup. It has candy, a wicked witch and kids, perfect for halloween. Talk about the ultimate trick or treat expierence. Have a look at the other entries here. P.S. I can't divulge my bit of news yet but I can tell ya'll that it has been e-mailed and previewed but is not finalized yet. As soon as I have the final paperwork, I'll fill everyone in. I can tell you it's not a book though. (i wish!) Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, October 2Illustration Friday-The Blues![]() She's got the blues.... This is my contribution for our Rapunzel theme over at the Illustrator Group Soup Blog. Labels: Illustration Friday Friday, August 24Illustration Friday-Visitors![]() I created this for an assignment for Illustrator Group Soup, an illustrator group I'm a part of. The assignment was to re-imagine the story of the three Billy Goats Gruff. This is just a partial, I'll post the entire piece on our blog later this month. Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, August 1Friday, May 4Thursday, April 26Illustration Friday "Polar"
and my entry for B is ....
Belinda and Boris (the bear) were very sad to Bid each other Bon voyage. ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, April 11Illustration Friday "Green"![]() well, she has a lot of green accents. and the cat is green, that counts, right? I really wanted to do a fortune teller piece. I started with this one, but tise re-do wasn't up to snuff so I cut it from my portfolio. Looking at it now makes me want to try again. I promise I'll do something new next week. Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, April 2Illustration Friday "Snap"![]() Seymour was a bit worried that Elissa's heavier weight might snap the branch. Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, March 6Friday, February 23Tuesday, February 20Illustration Friday "Gravity"![]() the queen the queen only her rules obey did she she didn't even believe in gravity. Labels: Illustration Friday Sunday, January 21Illustration Friday "Superhero"![]() I've always liked this illustration but felt it was lacking something. Maybe it is time for another re-do. Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, January 18Illustration Friday "80"
With my love for grandmas, this was an interesting topic. Here are a few of my lovely ladies (though most are probably in the 60-70 range) .
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and, yes, i do have a book about grandmas I'm working on. ;) Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, January 10Illustration Friday "Buzz"![]() Pre Morning Apple Juice/Blueberry Waffle Buzz Re-do of this piece. I changed the look of the character. I'm still trying to decide if it is an improvement. Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, December 18Wednesday, November 22Illustration Friday "thanksgiving"![]() It's all about the sweets. Happy Thanksgivng everyone, we'll be flying to Texas tomorrow. See ya'll when we settle again. Labels: Illustration Friday Friday, November 10Monday, October 30Friday, October 6Thursday, October 5Tuesday, September 26Illustration Friday "Phobia"Melvin went to great lengths to avoid crowds. Mechanical Pencil and crayon in sketch book. Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, September 5Wednesday, August 23Illustration Friday "Match"![]() Mrs. Backerds and Mrs. Edwards never knew of their matching outfits, gardens or gophers. Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, August 1Friday, July 21Illustration Friday "Opposites"![]() I'm re-using a piece I created a few weeks ago. Old, young, blues, oranges....the thing that unites us all is cake. (yeah, yeah I'm stretching here :)) Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, July 11Tuesday, June 27Monday, June 12Illustration Friday: "Jungle"![]() "Herbet's yard really was becoming a jungle." This is an experiment using an old illustration (Summer), a new elephant and cutting out shapes from my abstract watercolors. I'm thinking of adding a digital color background. (edit) ooookay, I tried a dark one. Going to change it, stay tuned :) (edit2) still in process, happy with this background for now -- might change later :) :) Labels: Illustration Friday Friday, June 2Illustration Friday "Portrait"![]() This is a commission I did for Nicole. She is quite lovely in person so it was a bit difficult to make her look "quirky" but a lot of fun too. Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, June 1Wednesday, May 24Illustration Friday "Sorry"![]() I drew this last week while waiting for the cable guy. It was originally for the angels and devils theme, but ran out of time and it seems to work better for sorry. I'm sure it will be a bit before it gets painted so here it is in mechanical pencil glory. Labels: Illustration Friday Friday, May 5Illustration Friday "Fat"![]() I started and finished this large lady and her daughter last night and am really excited to begin coloring it but don't know if I'll have time or exactly how I'll begin. Plus, how often do I get to be this early for Illustration Friday? Here it is in color. Labels: Illustration Friday Saturday, April 22Illustration Friday "Robot"![]() Sam had the distinct feeling that he was being watched. I like the composition of this piece, the robot and the boy but think I'll re-do it when I'm home and have all of my watercolors as my disposal. Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, April 20Illustration Friday "Spotted"![]() Herbert spotted his lunch. (This is an old one that I re-dicovered while visting my father-in-law,) Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, April 13Wednesday, April 5Illustration Friday "Spring"
Here are a few paintings I did last year for my niece's nursery. My sil asked for four paintings with a garden bug theme.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I've also included the illustration I created for my baby shower for the Pud. I have gessoed a canvas and am going to try and paint it with acrylics for her room. The original is is colored pencil and pastel. ![]() (you can see the finished piece here) Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, March 29Illustration Friday "Monster"![]() This is my drawing for this week's topic. I want to turn it into a portfolio piece which means I will have to take my time painting. So, I thought I would post thin just in case I missed the deadline. Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, March 21Monday, March 6Illustration Friday "Insect"![]() This a very, very first draft illo for a book idea I had about a ladybug that hitched a ride. Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, February 27Monday, February 13Illustration Friday "Simple"
A simple painting for a simple choice.
![]() I have been reading my myths again. You can see an an earlier version of Persephone I submitted last year here. I think the snow makes me dream of spring and mystical things. I have already thought of a few ways to improve this painting, look for an update later this week. With almost 500 entries for illustration friday on a Tuesday I get nervous and feel like I must post now, know what I mean? Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, February 9Illustration Friday "Chair"
So, yeah, it um...has three chairs.
![]() Happy 1st Blog Birthday to me! And many more... Labels: Illustration Friday Friday, January 20Illustration Friday "Cats"
Another oldie. These are from the first series I illustrated in college. I picked the crooked man limerick and these are the frames where he buys the cat and the cat catches the mouse.
Oil pastel and prismacolor, circa 2001. ![]() ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Sunday, January 15Illustration Friday "E is for"
enamored elephant
this is from my pre watercolor, oil pastel and prismacolor days. maybe i'll try and re-do it in watercolor. ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Sunday, January 8Illustration Friday "Sea"
This was a commision for an ocean themed- nursery, it was fun to do research on marine life.
![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, January 4Illustration Friday "Flavor"
Ernestine loved the flavors of the little cars. (edited to add the images below)
![]() I wasn't too happy with the colors, so I changed it a bit and tried to punch it up... ![]() and here it is in black and white.. ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, December 28Wednesday, December 21Illustration Friday "Imagine"
Just a quick sketch this week.
Milford sometimes let his imagination go wild in inconvenient places. ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Friday, December 9Illustration Friday "Surprise"
While adding new images to my shop, I came across this illustration. I created it for SCBWI's contest about returning to school. I thought it worked well for surprise. (hint: look at the backpack :>)
![]() I might create another one later this week, stay tuned. Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, December 5Illustration Friday "Blue"
We had our first snow of the season today so I felt the need to draw a pool.
![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, November 29Monday, November 14Illustration Friday "Strength"
Aunt Jo and Maurice wouldn't be able to go anywhere without her super-strength hairspray.
![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, November 9Illustration Friday "Night"
The only time I have missed i-friday was when my daughter was sick. I am addicted in a big way. I was stumped for ideas on this one and when it finally did come to me, I realized it is almost too late.
So, I give you a sketch of my submission for night. Tune in tommorw when I will (hopefully) have posted the finished version. (And yes, that is a mark from the pud. ;) ) The denture drop was the highlight of spending the night at Grandma's house. ![]() Here is the color version. Have you ever had a need to get the painting finished. one so strong that you keep pushing even though you know that you are painting crap or crap-ily? I have this often, the hubby has institued a rule that i have to allow a day in between drawing an image and painting it. But, ha, ha - he's at work so I plugged ahead even though I knew it was suckage. Oh well, there is always next week or the next drawing. ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, November 1Tuesday, October 25Illustration Friday "Remote"
Bernice knew the chance of a fairy godmother/poufy dress/dance thing was remote, so she took matters into her own hands.
(the pud added a few scribbles to this quickie) ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, October 19Illustration Friday "Cold"
"No one knows exactly what happened on that cold Halloween night, but no one dared to dress up as candy again."
Loved the idea on this one, got a little lost in the execution. I might try a re-do. ( I know it is a big stretch for the topic - but oh well! :> ) ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Saturday, October 8Illustration Friday "Lost"
This a quickie suggested by the hubby. The Pud lost her balloon in our apartment (which has very high ceilings) and was quite upset until Daddy came home and knocked it within reach.
![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, October 3Illustration Friday "Float"
Caught up in the moment, Annabelle confused floating leaves for falling snowflakes.
Ok... not really on topics with "float" but it's getting to be Fall on the East Coast...hurray!!! ![]() (not really happy with this one, maybe I'll re-do it and change the perspective) Speaking of Fall -- don't forget to post an entry for the Halloween Caption Contest, you could win a free print from my shop. Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, September 27Wednesday, September 21Illustration Friday "Escape"
uber quick entry this week, spent too much time working on the gallery of terrror illo and a commision. ;)
Edna (Rapunzel's lesser known cousin) had waited long enough for her prince. After a quick hair-cut, she made her escape. ![]() Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, September 12Tuesday, September 6Tuesday, August 30Wednesday, August 24Wednesday, August 17Illustration Friday "Wisdom"![]() For me, wisdom comes from three things, experience, knowledge and the ability to listen. Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, August 2Illustration Friday "Aging"![]() After retiring, Grandma Sophia's favorite pastime was teaching competitive roller skating at the local rink. Labels: Illustration Friday Saturday, July 23Illustration Friday "tranquility"![]() Madam Dorthenia warned that seeing your future did not guarantee tranquility. (This is my ode to Mary GrandPre, illustrator of Harry Potter. I just finished book number 6 and I have the book as well as her great drawings stuck in my head) Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, July 18Illustration Friday "Karma"![]() It was karma the day the monkeys stole the keys and locked the scientists in the lab. Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, July 11Illustration Friday "metropolitan"
Wasn't really into this weeks's subject, so did this quick sketch which is a little on topic. :)
![]() Late at night, while Fred watched the Daily Show, Wilma would put on a red cape, climb onto the roof and wait for city adventures. Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, July 6Tuesday, June 28Sunday, June 19Illustration Friday "Black and White"![]() This is a drawing I did in my begining drawing class. It was a leap for me, a realization I could draw faces. The kiddos were in the university daycare where I worked, I would take photos of them for my photography class. Obvisiously I need to take better care of my school stuff, lots of creases and wrinkles in this one. Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, June 8Illustration Friday "Digital"![]() This was the hubby's idea. I was stumped for digital so he suggested people's alter egos in role playing games. So this is a street corner with their rpg identies exposed. ;) Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, June 1Illustration Friday "Envy"![]() I used a greek myth for this one. The two ladies in the back need to have bigger eyes, other than that, it goes in my okay pile. :) Here's the myth.... When the hero Peleus was married to the sea-nymph Thetis, all the gods were invited to the ceremony -- all but one that is. The slighted goddess happened to a specialist in sowing discord, so she maliciously deposited a golden apple on the banquet table. The fruit was inscribed with the legend, "For the fairest". Immediately all the goddesses began to argue about whose beauty entitled her to be the rightful possesor of this prize. Finally it was decided to put the dispute to arbitration. Reasonably enough, the designated judge was to be the most handsome mortal in the world. This turned out to be a noble Trojan youth named Paris, who was serving as a shepherd at the time. So the three finalists -- Aphrodite, Hera and Athena -- sought him out in the meadow where he was tending his flocks. Not content to leave the outcome to the judge's discernment, the three goddesses proceeded to offer bribes. Hera, Queen of Olympus, took Paris aside and told him she would help him rule the world. Athena, goddess of war, said she would make him victorious in battle. Aphrodite sized Paris up and decided he would be more impressed with the guaranteed love of the most beautiful woman in the world. This was Helen, who happened to be married to the king of Sparta. Paris promptly awarded the golden apple to Aphrodite, who in turn enabled him to elope with Helen, who thenceforth became notorious as Helen of Troy. Helen's husband and his brother raised a Greek army to retrieve his wife, and this was the inception of the Trojan War. From: Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, May 24Tuesday, May 17Wednesday, May 11Tuesday, May 3Tuesday, April 26Illustration Friday "Daring"![]() This is an oldie but a goldie. One of my earliest "I wanna be an illustrator" drawings. I think she's pretty daring. I even re-drew her for my home page. ![]() The best part is that she's based on an actual motorcycle grandma I saw in Austin TX years ago. Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, April 20Illustration Friday: "Reinvent"![]() I started with the idea of make-up and it grew to applying make-up in the car which really has little to do with the topic but what the heck. I also have several color mistakes and a funky hand (or two) but I'm feeling risque so here it is, in its unfinshed glory. :) Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, April 11Illustration Friday: "Alone"![]() Just a quick sketch. Today just feels too monday-ish to do anything else. Maybe later. Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, April 6Illustration Friday: "Travel"![]() Space Travel counts, right? I'm cheating just a bit. This is the third time I've "done" this piece and I'm through. I'll look at it tommorow and see what I think of it then. :P Labels: Illustration Friday Monday, March 28Tuesday, March 22Illustration Friday: "Bloom"![]() This was done very quickly. Inspired by (another) Greek myth of Persephone and her mother Demeter. I imagine this as the reunion (if persephone was a child)or her fond memories of her bountiful childhood. Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She was the goddess of springtime and, after her abduction by Hades she became his wife and Queen of the underworld for six months of each year. When she returned, her mother would come out of mourning and thus, springtime. The change to illustrations being announced on fridays has thrown me for a loop, let's see if I can adjust :) Labels: Illustration Friday Tuesday, March 15Illustration Friday: "Fragile"What's more fragile than love? Okay, so maybe I'm stretching this theme a bit but we're driving to CT tommorow. Just the baboo, grandpa and I and this image popped in my head last weekend. ;) Wish me luck on the drive, six nerve wraking hours. ick. Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, March 10Illustration Friday: "Ancient"![]() I was into the Greek Myths as a kid, so they were the first thing that popped in my head when I read this week's topic. I couldn't think of anything that really interested me until I looked up some sites and became re-aquainted with the Fates. So here they are, in watercolor (i think i like it) and prisma color. Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, March 3Illustration Friday: "Jazz"![]() When I first saw this topic, I was excited. Then Tuesday and wednesday went by and my sketches of frogs and birds playing instruments simply sat on the page. Nothing spoke to me, no burn or urge to finish or even expand called. Then, I remebered a cd I had purchased in San Antonio TX a year or so ago. On the Riverwalk there is a jazz club devoted to The Jim Cullens band. I've been there twice and loved the music and atmosphere (once you get past the mall-esque exterior). So,I dug the cd out, popped it in, the beastie monkey fell asleep and I had the sketch and watercolor complete in 20 minutes. I like the movement and feel but the best part was playing with watercolors again. It felt good, so good that I might try to do another piece in this once beloved medium. Labels: Illustration Friday Wednesday, February 23Illustration Friday: "Sorrow"![]() Here's my newest submission. I was really excited when I started but am not sure about it now. I hate it when that happens. :P Labels: Illustration Friday Friday, February 18Illustration Friday: "Flight"![]() This is an old drawing re-vamped (not quite finished). I drew it on construction paper (left over from the home made valentine I made for the hubby) and I must say that I loved the way the pastels and pencils worked. Very creamy but a bit too delicate and smudg-y. I'll have to search for some better paper with the same texture. There is something about this little girl I have always loved, maybe it's her pigtails, more likely it's the goofy grin and flip-flops. I think something is missing though, maybe she should be larger....... does anyone have advice on a scanner? I tend to work on the large size and can only find teeny tiny affordable ones. Labels: Illustration Friday Thursday, February 10Illustration Friday: "Year of the Rooster"
My first submission for Illustration Friday
"Rooster Sunrise" Prisma Color, pic taken with my camera. I know, i know, get a scanner :) Labels: Illustration Friday |